Pick up in Capelle aan den IJssel:
Delivery time: 1-2 working days
Cost: FREE
When processing your order, we will show you the available methods, including Pickup in Capelle aan den IJssel
You have 15 days to collect the order at this address. You only need to show your Order Number and ID.
If another person picks up the order, they must also show proof of identity and be registered with the customer service department who will pick up the order
Delivery within 5-7 working days
Shipping is free if your orders contain items without discount for an amount of 75 EUR or more.
If you made the purchase as a registered user, you can change the delivery address in your account,
to go to order details, always if the order status allows this.
Please note: some of the previous options are not always available depending on the time you place your order.
Delivery time: 3-4 working days
Shipping is free if your orders contain items without discount for an amount of 75 EUR or more.
At the time of completing the purchase, we will show you the available collection points and the estimated date on which you will receive your order.
We will let you know when your order is available at the collection point you selected.
Remember that you must identify yourself to pick up your order.
If someone else picks up your order on your behalf, this person must show written authorization and a copy of your ID.